时光之旅 | Journey of Time |
丧宠情绪缓解APP设计 | Relieve of Pet Deprivation |
设计师:吴浩聪 | Designed by Wu Haocong |
指导教师:赵斌 | Tutor: FREEZhao |
所属课程:毕业设计、毕业论文 | Course: Graduation Design Project |
时光之旅APP旨在为失去宠物的个人提供一个安慰、支持和纪念的平台,作 为哀悼者的丰碑、哭墙和树洞以帮助其将情绪进行释放和整理。设计方案以 APP为主要的载体,针对丧宠者心理缓冲期提供一个情绪意象,通过互动和 情感的输出,以旅途为主要的故事脉络,为丧宠者提供告别时间与方式去整 理自身的情绪和告别宠物。 | Journey of Time app aims to provide a platform for individuals who have lost their pets to comfort, support, and commemorate them. It serves as a monument, crying wall, and tree hole for mourners to help them release and organize their emotions. The design plan takes the APP as the main carrier, providing an emotional image for the psychological buffering period of bereaved pets. Through interaction and emotional output, with the journey as the main storyline, it provides a farewell time and way for bereaved pets to organize their emotions and bid farewell to their pets. |
时光之旅APP旨在为失去宠物的个人提供一个安慰、支持和纪念的平台,作 为哀悼者的丰碑、哭墙和树洞以帮助其将情绪进行释放和整理。设计方案以 APP为主要的载体,针对丧宠者心理缓冲期提供一个情绪意象,通过互动和 情感的输出,以旅途为主要的故事脉络,为丧宠者提供告别时间与方式去整 理自身的情绪和告别宠物。
Journey of Time
Relieve of Pet Deprivation
Designed by Wu Haocong
Tutor: FREEZhao
Course: Graduation Design Project
Journey of Time app aims to provide a platform for individuals who have lost their pets to comfort, support, and commemorate them. It serves as a monument, crying wall, and tree hole for mourners to help them release and organize their emotions. The design plan takes the APP as the main carrier, providing an emotional image for the psychological buffering period of bereaved pets. Through interaction and emotional output, with the journey as the main storyline, it provides a farewell time and way for bereaved pets to organize their emotions and bid farewell to their pets.