手汗游戏玩家鼠标设计 | Mouse Design for Hand Sweat Game Players |
设计师:黄烁嘉 | Designed by Huang Shuojia |
指导教师:徐岚 | Tutor: Xu Lan |
所属课程:毕业设计、毕业论文 | Course: Graduation Design Project |
此鼠标是为手汗玩家人群的手心降温而设计的,目的是减少此类玩家的手部出汗问题。 | To cool down the palms of players with sweaty hands and reduce hand sweating. |
Mouse Design for Hand Sweat Game Players
Designed by Huang Shuojia
Tutor: Xu Lan
Course: Graduation Design Project
To cool down the palms of players with sweaty hands and reduce hand sweating.